

I loveeee loveeeee loveee musicc!!! And the greattes thing of all is going to a new country and going to a concert there!!! People in diferent places of the world have diferent ways of enjoying music! Belive it or not! The feeling you’ll get at a concert in lets say touloues is so difrent from the one you’ll get in bogota or in paris!!! I wanna share with you guys some videos of some concerts i’ve been to!

Those videos mean the life to me because the represnt very happy days of my life!
Lenny Kravits Toulouse 2009

 later all upload some more concert videos :)

1 Response to "Concerts"

  1. juliaba says:
    30 de abril de 2011, 19:06

    Heyy! I hink this will interest's a great band, it's called baskerville..

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