Another big pasion i have is music! I will go to any concert no matter what! And friend showed my this shoking vieooooo about the beattles!!! I’m a huge beattles fans thanks to my dad J who played them since i was little… but i just saw the most shoking video about them!!!! Please watch it and tell me it’s not true!!! I don’t wanna believe it because that would mean that the beattles was a whole shared!!! I tried looking for some more information about this, and saw some interviews that happend not long ago to Paul Maccartney about it were he obviously denied all!! But it dont’t know what to believe.. the video is so convincing…
30 de abril de 2011, 8:25
Woww...it's really convincing indeed :S. Now I don;t know what to think about Paul McCartney anymore. But my head is dark about him, and another part says maybe it's just some rumours, he is "he" but I don't know it just has the slightest detail in everything. I guess this is one of the things you will never know.
30 de abril de 2011, 8:53
Nooooo! I don't know what to think anymore! but if that is true... The Beatles is a lie! now i am depressed!
11 de mayo de 2011, 8:57
I couldn't sleep after that video....