Rome Rome Rome!!! Amazing people, amazing food, amazing parties! , amazing life! So my trip to Rome!!! I just can’t get over it! By far is one of my favorite cities in the world! We had so many problems on this trip but nothing could stop us from going to Rome!... I planed a trip throw Italy for a week with Silvia and Cedrik.. The journey started in Milan the Florence, Pisa, and last but not least Rome…. So we departed from Toulouse to Nice in train, it was an over night train… and in the morning when we woke up Silvia’s bag had been stolen!! With everything inside including her passport, e tikets fro the other trains, her camera, her wallet everything! The minute we arrive to nice we went running to the police station but the didn’t help us much so she decided to rebuy all the train tickets and to travel without her passport!..everytime we got into a train we prayed they wouldn’t ask us for passports! Or she would have been deported!
We got to Milan and every store was in sale so we went shopping … at the end of the day we realized we had spend more than half of our trip money on clothes that we couldn’t take back cuz they were on sale! We eat once a day! So we could go partying and wouldn’t run out of money! .... finally we got to Rome and fell in love with the city.. Basically every to steps you se an arquitectural work of art! And I’m not kidding! You have so many thing to visit, the vatincans city, and please go insed! Even if your not religious they have the most amazing collection of renaissence art. And San Pedro’s chappel the dome is Miguel Angelo’s master pice. The roman coliseum is just Amazing, and keep in midn how many year ago all this things were made! With out any of the technology we have today they managed to achive more than we will ever be able to.
Night life!! Oh and befote i forgett most beautiful people ever! Both boys and girls!! It’s just unbeliveble!....we went to a club called Piper and one night there was an speciall event were Ricardo Villalobos was playing!!! And it was so Amazing that we decided to go back the next day, and the next day there was Dr Oizo playing!!!! Nooo best partiese ver! I swer i’ve been to many great parties but this ones nothing has topped them jet! http://www.piperclub.it/
Ricardo Villalobos at Piper room
Dr Oizo at Piper room
You have to visit:
La Fontana de Trevi
Colisseo Romano |
Mausoleo de Adriano |
Surrounding view of Mausoleo de Adriano |
Basilica de San Pedro |
Foro Romano |