
Last year arround this time, i dicided with a friend from college to go to Europe and visit all the places we had learned about in histori class, as you know i study architecture so it was really exiting for us to see all the things our teacher had talk so much about!

We started in Madrid, then went to Barcelona( i’m in love with Barcelona), then Toulouse. We stoped in Toulouse for a few days and visited my french family, when i graduated from school i went on an exange program and lived in frances for a year.. i love my french family they were so nice to me! An amazing experience i highly recomend it.
mirepoix, my french home

 After visiting them we went to paris were my friend left i’ll of here money in a MANGO store! With her credit cards! Adn it was saturday! And sunday the didn’t open the store and our train to amsterdam left sunday at noon!! We had to delay our stay in Paris till monday wen they opened the store!... we were not mad!  Luckely we found everything! The we went to amsterdam and Berlin, in Berlin we met with a friend’s friend! How very nicely showed us arround and took us to bars! He’s so welcome in Colombia :P… by the way thats a great way of getting to know a city and getting to know people form arround the world! Friend’s friends!  The lasts twos cities were pague and budapest, in budapest we stayed at a hostel we’re the owner was a crazy man, carzy in the good way! We went with him and all the other guests at the hostel to party and to very interesting bars! I had a really nice time! It was so much fun! I could talk for hours about that trip but this is it for now L… i have to go study!..... i almost forgot… i’m looking for some place to go this summer… any suggestions?
my friend and i with the people at the budapest hostel

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